
Wills and Bequests

The Bern Community Library Board invites individuals to consider giving long term support to the library through wills and bequests. Undesignated gifts and bequests of funds or property to the library made through a will or directly will be administered by the Bern Community Library Board. Gifts may consist of cash, stocks and bonds, real estate or personal property.

Memorials and Commemorative Gifts

The library is able to offer a greater selection of reading and listening materials through memorial and commemorative donations. The library staff will consult with the family in selection of books or non-print materials in an interest area of the person being honored.
A gift plate recognizes the honoree. This program is a lasting way of honoring a special person and helping the community.


Life insurance offers individual or corporate donors present and future tax advantages while increasing the library’s ability to serve the community. Life insurance can be a direct charitable tax deduction. A charitable bequest allows the donor to own the policy and reduce estate taxation by naming the library as a beneficiary. Split dollar plans allow designated heirs and the library to be beneficiaries.


A variety of trust arrangements offer income tax savings while increasing the library’s ability to serve the community. Several types of charitable trusts are recognized by the I.R.S. Trusts allow the donor to care for dependents, receive tax advantages and improve the community through the library.

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